Greg Jordan, who counts amongst his clients Manhattan socialite couple Blaine and Robert Trump and Travel ~ Leisure editor-in-chief Nancy Novogrod, has been accurately described by the Franklin Reporta recently published guide to interior decorators and their workas the creator of "relaxed yet stylish environments steeped in historical reference." Jordan's effortlessly elegant and timeless work contrasts strongly with the frantic pace in his office. For busy and successful 21st-century designers like Jordan, there's a tendency to spend more hours at work than at home. "Nine to five" is much more likely to be "eight to eight," and that doesn't indude the power breakfasts and business dinners. All of which explains why most designers pay a great deal of attention to the decor of their own offices and studiosand make sure that their work environments contain a few of their favorite things. Of course, this personalization of the business space also has a decidedly pragmatic angle, since it > |